
Your Lady's Choice Sandwich Moments Can Win You a Trip for 4 to HK Disneyland!

Yes, that's right - just share a photo of your sandwich moment with your kid and you can have a chance to win a trip for 4 to Hongkong Disneyland from Lady's Choice!

I had my hopes up when Lady's Choice, my blog sponsor, launched this fun promo simply because we've been consuming Lady's Choice sandwich spread for... God knows how long now.  My boy can eat toast bread with only the sandwich spread everyday - that's his default breakfast, and snack too!  That's him eating his favorite "toast with mayo" while studying.

Unfortunately for me, he was uncooperative in having our photos taken for our entry to this Lady's Choice Mmm-ments promo, so I am just sharing this news with you.  This is super late 'coz I forgot about when he refused to join.  Sorry, I know it's last minute, but you still have until tomorrow to send in your entries.  So hurry and take a shot of that sandwich moment! Good luck!

Click on the Lady's Choice top banner or box ad at the bottom of the blog site for complete promo details.

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