Most kids are now carrying backpacks to school, unless a standard stroller bag is required for their load. There are so many styles and designs available in the market, and it ain't easy to pick one. Buti nalang when it comes to bags, my kids and I go for basic styles. As long as it's sturdy, reasonably priced, and they like the design, they have the final say.
He's homeschooled since last year so all his old bags are either stored away, ready to be sold, or donated. But that doesn't mean he won't be needing one. In fact, I was planning to buy him one since he'll be having more extra curricular activities this new school year and he doesn't have a lighter sized bag. Then the perfect present came from Herschel Supply -- a smart-looking Herschel Settlement Youth Backback!
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SRP : PhP 2,790 |
I was familiar with Herschel Supply only because I saw their store a few months ago in SM Megamall. The brand is quite new to me and I only know it's an imported brand of backpacks. What's great about Herschel is they have several sizes specifically designed for adults and kids. Herschel Supply carry a wide selection of bags that now includes collections for Youth and Kids.
This Settlement Youth Backpack is the sized-down version of their popular full size Settlement Backpack. The boy is about 4'11" tall and it's a perfect size for him. He gave his thumbs up for it's lightweight, no-frills design and all it's functional details.
What we like about Herschel Settlement Youth backpack:
- Timeless design aesthetic, with clean and simple lines
- Durable polyester material
- Padded shoulder straps
- Large zippers with leather pulls
- Fully lined with their signature striped coated fabric
- With front Pocket
- Inside pocket/laptop sleeve pocket
- Structured and lightweight
- Reasonable price (PhP 2,790 for this model)
- Perfect size: 15"(H) x 10"(W) x 4"(D)
For this design, the only thing missing for me is a side pocket for a tumbler. Good thing he doesn't have much stuff to bring so everything fits inside including his bottle of water. His snacks or toiletries can also fit in the front pocket. He said his iPad fits inside too! He'll be carrying his new Herschel backpack to his music, art, and P.E. classes. =)
There's an array of cool new designs available now at Herschel Supply stores around the country. Herschel products are inspired by the utilitarian features of hiking backpacks and travel bags. You will surely find one for your own travel needs, as well as for your little and big kids to carry.
Visit and shop at these HERSCHEL stores:
SM Megamall (Upper G/F, Building A)
SM North Edsa (Level 2, Annex Building)
SM Aura (Level 3)
Alabang Town Center (Level 2, New Wing)
TriNoma (Level 3)
Ayala Center Cebu (Level 2)
Marquee Mall (Pampanga)
Centrio Mall (CDO)
Abreeza Mall (Davao)
Note: Store photos courtesy of Herschel Supply Co. Philippines.
Herschel Supply was founded by the Cormack brothers in 2009 and got it's name from the small town where three generations of their family grew up. Based in Vancouver, Canada, Herschel Supply is a design driven global accessories brand that produces quality products with a fine regard for detail. -
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