
Thank you 2014... Hello 2015!

Welcome 2015! Thank you for being a part of my journey this 2014.  I'm counting my blessings and wishing you more this new year.

I've had many ups and downs in the different aspects of my life this past year, but they've left me with a better perspective on parenting, friendship, marriage, family life, and personal growth.

With a grateful heart, I hope and pray that this year will be better and brighter.
I pray for courage, faith, and wisdom to face the new challenges and obstacles this year.
I pray for lesser disasters and calamities.
I pray for good health, stronger family ties, and the realization of our dreams.

For My Mom-Friday, what do you like and don't like? What changes can I do to make it more interesting for you? What are your favorite topics or features from this blog? Feel free to comment, okay? Don't be shy. :) Your inputs would really help me a lot in improving the blog this year.  I would love to hear from you, even on FB and Instagram. Share your thoughts!

Join me on my new adventures this 2015!
May this year bring you peace, hope, prosperity, and a renewed spirit! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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