
Would You Pee Standing Up?

If you're a guy reading this, you don't even have to answer my question/title. 
So to the ladies, would you? :)))

I was not in a blogging mood the past few days, and while scanning through my photo folders to find inspiration, I found these pictures I took from my cell phone last January:

A quick backgrounder:
While waiting for my boy to be done with his art class,  I found myself laughing and squirming in my seat at the same time after seeing this pink box displayed on the counter beside the table where I was enjoying my mango crepe!  Great positioning no?! I was with my co-parents from school that time and you can imagine our surprise (well, maybe shock is a more appropriate word) after seeing this, and reading the label.  Finding this product in a cafe was just totally unexpected.

Here's what we found (read the label):
  • NO MORE desperate searches for a toilet.

  • NO MORE waiting in line.
NO MORE nasty cubicles.

  • NO MORE Squatting.

  • NO MORE personal hygiene issues with public toilets.

  • NO MORE discomfort trying to hold in your pee.

SENSY, allowing women to pee standing up 
without giving anything away!!!

What I found most disturbing is this illustration (above, drawing on the lower left) showing a WOMAN standing BESIDE a MAN PEEING IN A URINAL!!!  We were almost hysterical at this point!

I respect the company that created this, and I get what the product is for after closer inspection.  BUT could you blame me for my reaction towards this odd little thing staring right at me as I eat my snack?!  I later found out from hubby that he also saw this box in a Korean restaurant near their office where he had lunch.  Sensy and dining places -- go figure.

This close-up shot above was blurry so I looked up their website and found this clear illustration of 'how-to-use':

Though I hate to admit it, I had a better appreciation of Sensy and it's purpose, especially as a medical aid pictured in #5.  Other than that, I have to pass on this one.

Now, back to my question -- seriously, would you pee standing up with the help of Sensy? :)

I don't even know what to Label this blog post!!! LOL!

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