This recipe is nothing spectacular -- it can actually be a perfect dish for the clueless cook. I've been uninspired to whip up new dishes the past several weeks. I guess the stress and exhaustion from homeschooling has taken a toll, as I've become such a nag, very grouchy, quick-tempered and masungit. Not liking myself now. Ironically, I've been having quite a big (bigger than usual) appetite lately. I've been eating a lot of this Wienerli fried rice for the past 2 days already since I received the sausages! It only proves that I always find comfort and pleasure in eating regardless of circumstances.
I can't recall if I've already seen some wienerli in the grocery, or maybe I just don't notice them. Wienerli means Viennese sausage. It resembles a hotdog, but longer and thinner, and has a wonderful smokey flavor. A few days ago, King Sue generously sent me another package with their premium brand of sausages, Kaiser Deli. I buy their kielbasa from time to time, and I was glad there was this pack of wienerli to try. My husband can attest that I am not a fan of hotdogs, especially the red ones. I also limit the family's consumption of processed meats. Surprisingly, I got hooked with one as soon as I tried it, so I thought I'd share my instant rice dish today.
The wienerli is flavorful and has a perfect balance of "smokey and spicy" for me. It's not as firm as a hotdog, and the taste and texture is more appealing to me. I'd prefer to serve this over regular hotdogs anytime. I think that's why the fried rice was so fragrant and appetizing.
This recipe is a no-brainer, a perfect way to recycle day-old rice. You can cook this in less than 10 minutes, and even pack for lunch to go. J and the girl loved this dish too, and to think she's not even fond of fried rice!

1 Kaiser Deli Wienerli sausage, thinly sliced or diced (add more if you wish)
3 cloves of garlic, minced
3 cups cooked rice
1 egg, beaten
pinch of rock salt, ground pepper
2 tablespoons cooking oil
To cook:
Heat oil in a pan and saute garlic.
Toss in sliced wienerli and cook for a few minutes until lightly toasted and fragrant.
Add rice and mix very well. (Add water by the spoon if it's too dry for you.)
Pour beaten egg and mix a little. Leave for 10 counts so egg can set, then mix the rice again until color is even.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Serve immediately.
Good for 3.
Are you fond of sausages? How else do you serve them?
Are you fond of sausages? How else do you serve them?
Yesterday, I threw in some corn kernels in the mixed rice and it tasted just as great, with that extra sweet bite. Next time, veggies will be added in too! It'll be a meal in itself.
Kaiser Deli products are available in S&R, Unimart, Landmark, Cash&Carry, Rustan's Supermarket at Rockwell and Shangri-la.
Other fried rice dishes to try:
Garlic Corn Rice
Chicken Pesto Rice
Crazy Rice
Honey Bagoong Rice
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