First, I have to thank Mommy Mundo for including this quote in their 2013 planner, and making this special poster.
Okay, I was trying to be humorous when I said that. But I am also serious about it. This summer proved that sentiment even more.
In my previous posts here and here, I shared how I dealt with having no househelp for months, and then posting this photo on Instagram when our yaya (nanny) left for her vacation last April 30.
Lately, I feel I'm becoming more and more impatient, grouchy and quick-tempered.
I have not been productive as I wanted to since the new year started (because I've been doing more chores than real work!). I was not able to plan our summer well since I did not know when we can hire a new helper (we eventually did last April 13) and there were lots of things to sort out at home. And now, the kids are by my side 24/7 - literally.
Don't get me wrong - I love being with them.
I actually welcomed this time to be with the boy and the girl without yaya around. I know this is a good opportunity to teach them to be more responsible and independent, knowing there won't be someone at their beck and call, or cleaning up after them. (Okay, I do clean up after them, but just half the time.)
Clutter is everywhere - especially in our room since they've been staying here with us since yaya left. Our bedroom became a playground, a dining place, and hang-out at the same time.
The boy had basic swimming class while the girl had art class last month.
Now that their summer programs are over, we did not plan on anything this May except to schedule a few activities like going on field trips, setting play dates with cousins, and hopefully go to the beach or have a family outing before summer is over. I honestly don't know if this will be happening anytime soon! For now, they'll have to settle for their kiddie pool and a village playground.
Everyday since the first of May, I wake up to this...
...then prepare their favorite breakfast... errands with them... declutter the room, ignore them altogether or leave them with their gadgets... declutter some more, watch their crazy cartoons with them, and delight in their spirited ways... (in short, I was still unproductive!)
... and hope to end the day with this... (which I rarely get to do)
This was not my idea of a summer break. But it is one that I will treasure.
Looking back, I think this is the most tiring summer I've had since I became a mother - and I still have tons to work on, major purging and organizing at home, and deal with paper work. Blogger events took a backseat as well... but I need to pull myself away (a bit) from the computer too!
I seriously need a vacation from this "vacation"! Calling Dad-Friday! =)
How's your summer?
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