For most moms, myself included, taking care of our own needs usually fall last on the priority list. And when it comes to beauty secrets and rituals, I'm usually the one who asks the beauty questions from my friends!
Over a month ago, Johnson’s Baby Milk Bath invited moms to join the live Facebook online chat with their brand ambassador, Judy Ann Santos - Agoncillo, for a chance to ask beauty and parenting questions -- BUT I MISSED IT! Mommy duties prevented me from participating online, and I also failed to send in my questions.
I took comfort in the fact that I already got my rare chance to ask her personally when my question was picked by Judy Ann herself during the media launch last year. =) And may I just say, she really looked fresh and flawless up close!
Still, I was curious at how the beauty chat went. Good thing, everything was captured on video and posted on Johnson's Baby Philippines YouTube page. I not only learned about how Judy Ann balances her career and parenthood, but her skin and beauty tips as well.
Here are Judy Ann's Tips to Beautiful Skin, which I am already trying to do:
- No to Stress - enjoy your bath time
- Use Sunscreen - to protect and avoid having sun damaged skin
- Make time to rest - get enough sleep to refresh your body; lack of sleep makes skin dry
- Feed your skin - take lots of fruits and veggies, healthy foods with vitamins A & E
- Drink Up - drink plenty of water to flush out toxins; also eat watery fruits like watermelon, honeydew
Of course, my kids will always invade our tub just to have their bubble bath too! If you watch the video below, Judy Ann advised that when stressed, "…try taking a bath, sing while taking a bath, enjoy your bath time…". This is really one of my favorite stress busters and "me time" activity. A good 10 to 15 minutes in the tub, even just once a week, is all I need to feel fresh and revitalized.
First 2 images - screen capture from Johnson's Baby Philippines Facebook Page
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