
Freestyle Friday: When Kids Sing Lady Gaga

Freestyle Friday:  Kids' Video

This month of July has 5 Fridays. Today is the 4th, so it's time for Freestyle Friday....anything goes.

For the first time in my blog, I will be sharing one of many videos I recorded of the boy and the girl singing and humming their favorite tunes.  Aside from the very current songs of popular artists Bruno Mars and Adele, they've been hung up on the very upbeat and unique sound of Lady Gaga!

These little monsters, Gaga's term of endearment for her fans, just can't get enough of an earlier hit 'Bad Romance' -- tirelessly humming and singing along to her music in the car, from the computer, from the iPad, and even while having dinner as you can see in the video.

Hope you can sit through over 2 minutes of their "hum-song". =)

Ladies and gentlemen, here's the kiddie version of 'Bad Romance', a cappella, which I re-titled 'Bedder-man'.

My first Freestyle Friday post:  

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