I see that twinkle in your eye
And know some mischief you might try.
I'll watch you grow just like the moon
From slip to fullness, all too soon.
-- Gilson
Just like this poem, my boy always has some mischief he might try -- so playful yet gentle-hearted, very personable and ever so sweet!
Today, my boy turns seven. I still remember a few months back when he began counting down towards this day. "It's only 48 hours 'til my birthday!", he exclaimed last Monday morning. He has so many wishes and we promised to fulfill a few of those for his natal day.
He is in "big school" now, facing another exciting stage in his very young life, with more challenges and more independence. It seemed only yesterday that we celebrated his sixth...time flew so fast! Now I'm the one who's feeling old! :<
Aside from the traditional celebratory Sunday family lunches, we did not plan for any parties. For his birthday, he only wanted toys like Lego and Zero Gravity...and so we bought him what he wanted a week earlier...
...and to eat McDonald's Cheeseburger!!! It's the first time he asked for this on his birthday so for dinner today, we went to the burger chain as he wished.
Savoring his burger and fries at his fave fastfood joint |
Candle blowing with his chocolate mousse cake decorated with his Spongebob toy figures |
A second birthday cake made with love by Gwa-ma (maternal grandma) |
A simple celebration for a simple boy. We are truly blessed to have him as a son.
To my darling boy, HAPPY 7th BIRTHDAY!
A year ago: The Boy is 6.
Poem above is from the book "The Language of Parenting".
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