
Vote and Empower the Youth with Unilab Ideas Positive

"Can your idea paint a healthier future for the Philippines?"
This is the challenge of Unilab Ideas Positive.

United Laboratories (Unilab) has initiated a project-based advocacy campaign to empower the youth, tap their creativity and social purpose in helping improve community health and wellness with their unique ideas and make them a reality through Unilab Ideas Positive (UIP).

This is truly a noble endeavor that deserves all our support.  College students from over 20 schools have participated, and now 11 semi-finalist teams were chosen and will need your votes on their videos.
  • CIEMers (Community Involvement of Entrepreneurial MovERS)
  • Ecobiz-Inc
  • Green Minds
  • High Five
  • KaBaLiKAT
  • PhataTeam
  • Team Lypad
  • Team MaNiKa
  • Team SEND (Students Engaging on a New Direction)
  • Timalaya
Watch their videos and VOTE here:  http://www.unilabideaspositive.com/videos.html
Authorize Facebook so you can choose and vote on the videos of your favorite UIP teams. But you can only vote once per video. 
Voting ends on September 7, 2011.

After the votes, the top 5 finalists will be selected and will then defend their projects on September 18 before a multi-sector panel of judges.

Unilab will award a total of Php250,000 seed fund to implement the winning teams' programs on their chosen community:
  • 1 Winning team = Php100,000 seed fund
  • 2 Runners-up = Php75,000 seed fund each
Let's vote and help make these socially responsible students' ideas transform and improve communities.

Learn more about Unilab Ideas Positive via their website and Facebook page.

Many Filipino youth want to make a difference in the country but maybe don’t know where to start and how. Unilab Ideas Positive is our way to enable them to get started so they will be motivated to do more, and together with fellow youth, make a concrete difference where it really matters. - Unilab

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